Saturday, October 22, 2011

Stress itu perlu

amik msa otw balik KT dri Semban.bosan duk blkg sowang2


minggu lepas aku telah mengalami stress yang agak maha dahsyat.

stress sebab kuliah banyak pastu dalam bahasa arab plak tu

sebelum ni dlm english.

aku ni kalau bahasa arab aku kureng skit....mmg aku tak paham =(

fokus pun kurang

tapi nak wat cemana dh pihak atasan nak ktorang cmpur dgn bdak arab

tp sptutnya lecturer kna ajr dlm english tp bdak arab plak xnak dlm english

cos dorang x paham.

so stress la aku di situ

clinical plak sah sah la kena speak in arabic with the patient...

rsa cam susah la kan. dh la x paham patient ckp ape.

nak tanya patient pn tergagap-gagap takde vocab arab...

T_T down gler.

nak wat cemana......

tanggungjawab pn makin besar.

xleh main2 lagi

kena rajin gi hospital

nanti xde skill camne nk rawat orang????

k lah.aku dah okay dh skrg.malas nk stress lagi. just follow the flow la.

till then,

buhbye (>.<)^

P/s: mls nk g meeting!

Monday, October 10, 2011

people around me


Do you guys believe that people around us can influence our personality and attitude?
well, i do believe this fact.
cause its happen to me and i found it hard to handle with.
cause when i'm in Egypt, people around me is so good.
i mean they are really kind,good hearted....they are good in practicing our religion which is Islam,
they are good people with good manner.
so i always feel inferior when i am around them.
i feel like i am a bad person compared to them.(yeah i know i am bad)
so when i am around them i will automatically improve myself to be like them.
improve my attitude and my personality.
but the problem is when i come back to malaysia...
the situation is different.
and its hard for me to maintain my good attitude=(
am i a hypocrite??????? hmmm...sigh=(
i'm in dilemma~~~~

This is what we call biah solehah. we need a surrounding that encourage us to become a good person.
that's all.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Siap Siaga Sang Naga!

Assalamualaikum....salam sehati sejiwa (ececece..XD)

ye sy malas nk rotate gambar.sila angguk tanda paham

i'm ready(yeke?).Yosh!

motive: esok start kuliah 2/10/11

mood: tengok je la esok cemane..otak dah berkarat nih

misi: hadirkan jasad dan roh sepanjang clinical session kt spital

modus operandi: minum kopi Radix untuk lebih bertenaga dan segar serta tidak bosan lagi mengantuk 

berita tamat.
sekian terima kasih 



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